Last 24 Hours

Here’s a recap of what’s gone down in the last 24 hrs starting with the most recent. (You might want to read starting from the bottom so it makes more sense.)

9:00 pm.  I sit down to write this blog post, with a slice of carrot cake for comfort.  I am truly exhausted.  Contemplating going to bed now.  But I feel bad not staying up to hang with M.

8:00 pm.  I sneak out of the house to pick up two books on hold for me at the public library.  I am back by 8:20 pm.

7:20 pm.  I read to V and get her ready for bed.  By 7:35 pm, she’s asleep.  Z is downstairs already asleep apparently.

7:05 pm.  I tiptoe out of W’s room, after putting her down in the crib.  I hear her cry.  M goes to her.

5:55 pm.  I take W up to her room and get her ready for bedtime.  She is so tired from having a day of broken naps.  I hope the night is relatively good.

5:30 pm.  M, W and I sit at the dining table and eat our dinner.  The other kids are still watching tv – cruise control.  We have a plan – to move Z’s mattress down to the spare room on the main floor and M to sleep with him.

4:55 pm.  I learn that we are up for a renewal and may potentially be able to use this opportunity to buy another house.  Hmmm.  Interesting idea.  But I bet there are no houses available that are affordable.

4:10 pm.  We’re on cruise control.  Kids are watching tv.  Z is on the iPad.  I tell M about the business card and the visit from the guy.  He then gives them a call.  Turns out, our 3-yr mortgage term has ended and we were supposed to contact our mortgage company to renew.  We didn’t receive any notice – no letter or phone call. Their excuse was that they only had our work number and left several messages.  That’s not true at all.  M only got one today.

3:25 pm.  Z moans again.  And he throws up all over the bed and some on the floor.  I hear the front door open.  M and V are home.  Some relief.  I am so tired.

3:17 pm.  The door bell rings.  Who could it be?  Some guy with a business card that is from a property management company.  He asks for M but I tell him he’s not home and I ask what this is regarding.  He informs me that it’s concerning the mortgage.  I ask what about.  He then says the company wants to make sure that we are still the same occupants in the house. Weird.

2:50 pm.  W is awake.  I can hear her from his room.  I go get her and bring her in to Z’s room.  He doesn’t want me to leave his side.  So I stay.  I put away laundry that has been sitting for a couple of days now.  W starts to get antsy.

2:38 pm.  I hear Z moaning.  I take him out to his room so he doesn’t wake W.  I stay with him, lying in bed snuggling.  I feel bad for him.  He’s scared.  He asks me if dehydration is bad.  I tell him it can be.  He also asks me what’s going on with him because he doesn’t know why he’s feeling so sick.

2:00 pm.  I managed to convince Z to nap in our bed – all three of us.  He agrees and hits the sack.  I nurse W in my arms as I sit on the bed and she falls asleep.  (Third attempt at a nap.)  I lay her down with her still attached to me and I try to get some rest.   I’m at 16% battery life on my iPhone. I’ve been texting M and updating him on our status.  He texts me and tells me that Z might have Norovirus. I look it up.  Not good.

1:45 pm.  Just chilling with W and Z on the iPad. He wants Roblox but it’s rated for 12+ so I don’t budge. He was getting frustrated with choosing a game to download.   Then he complained about his tummy hurting again. So I straddled him on my legs to hug him.  Then he gagged and vomited. He tried to keep it in but it came out – all over my neck and right shoulder. I clean up the mess again.  Where’s the baby this whole time?  She’s standing there crying because Z is crying. (It’s going to be a long afternoon.)

1:15 pm.  Z is watching as Scooby Doo lying on the couch.  Then he lurches forward and throws up on the floor. He starts crying and tells me his tummy hurts. I clean up the mess.

12:30 pm.  I can see that Z is struggling to function with the iPad.  He’s undecided about what games to play – it’s worse when the App Store is open.  So I convince him to just lay down and watch tv.  He has only had a cheese stick all day so he’s low on energy.

11:54 am.  I am woken by screams and howling.  Z is in the hallway very upset.  I quickly put W in the crib, hoping she wouldn’t wake.  But she does – yet again.  I administer Tylenol to Z coz he feels hot.  Then I offer him the iPad to play with on the couch.

11:30 am.  I take W up to her room to try and nap her for the 2nd time – because she really didn’t sleep this morning.  I am so exhausted I fall asleep in the chair.

11:00 am.   Back at home again.  I make lunch but neither kid is hungry.  All Z wants is the iPad but I can see that he’s so weak and needs to lie down.  So I ask him to go up to his room, change and lie down in his bed.

10:20 am. Back in the car, on the road to pick up Z.  He’s got a sore throat and a low-grade fever.  I watch him in the rearview mirror and see that he’s clearly not himself.  Even W is trying to talk to him but he’s got no energy.

10:05 am.  My phone rings.  It’s Z’s school.  Panic sets in.  I don’t pick up because W is in my arms.  I attempt to place her in the crib again – this time, she’s up for good.  Darn!

9:27 am  We arrive home.  I take her straight up to the bedroom to get her ready for her morning nap.  I attempt to put her in the crib twice and no luck.

8:40 am   We leave the house to drop off M and then V.  W manages to stay awake for most of the ride until we are about 3 min from home.  She is so drowsy – her face I just want to kiss it.  Poor tired girl!

6:40 am  I’m up for the day since W is awake.  M slept in the other room all night, taking turns with Z and V.

4:30 am   I am back in the rocking chair with W.

11:40 pm.  I’m rocking W back to sleep after nursing her.  She coughs so hard that she vomits all over my front and herself.  I quickly change her and myself.

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